Pacific Mall DDN organised an event called ‘Pacific’s Wizards of Science’ from 24th to 26th March. The organisers planned several activities, such as ‘Indulge in Scientific Magic’, ‘Magical Whiteboard’, ‘Wizardly Bubble’, ‘Chemical Rockets’, to bring out the scientific calibre of 600 students who participated in the event. All the participants received participating certificates and special giveaways like Ghostcopters and Holograms.
“The science fair was our effort to get in touch with children and students whose favourite subject is Science. Science is usually a dreaded subject. Many students find it abstruse and mentally taxing. The Pacific’s Wizards of Science allowed students to boost their scientific inquisitiveness and reasoning abilities light-heartedly through games, activities, etc. We are happy that we could connect to a vast student community and offer them a unique and interesting perspective to look at the science subject.” Abhishek Bansal, Executive Director, Pacific Group, said.
Some of the program’s highlights were Magic Writing, Capture the Ghost, Popping rockets and Ghost Bubbles, which saw ebullient children’s participation. The science fair got rave reviews from parents who praised Pacific Mall DDN for instilling curiosity levels in children, which will indirectly help them in their studies and overall IQ building.
He continued, “Students engaged in the activity in a wholesome manner. It was a cherishing feeling to see students interact and ask valuable questions, which also imbued other students with the same level of excitement, dedication, and passion. Overall, it was an organised and well-planned event and I would like to credit the organising team for this.”