JAMAICA – Online entrepreneur and sales coach Mercelyn “Kerry” Francis has launched a blog, Virtual Boss Mindset, that includes a detailed practical guide on the best stay at home jobs for moms and ways to make money online.
“I share legitimate work-from-home jobs for moms that pay well. Some of these are jobs that I have tried and tested over the years. Some of them will also be from other successful work-at-home moms,” Francis said.
In a recent blog post, Francis shared “28 Best Stay At Home Mom Jobs With Flexible Schedules.” Among the jobs, which Francis outlines in great detail, are proofreading, bookkeeping, transcription and selling digital products on Etsy.
Francis, the mother of a 9-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter, knows how hard it is to find balance as a working mother. However, she said, “finding the right work-from-home jobs for moms will let you get the best of both worlds.”
Other posts on the Virtual Boss Mindset site include “46 Easy Ways For Teens To Make Money,” “Side Hustles For Couples To Work Together” and articles on ways to make anywhere from $100 a day to $800 a week.
The site also includes tips on how to save money.
Francis also offers one-on-one coaching to help budding entrepreneurs get started. Among the advice she offers are ways to leverage the internet and make sales for a business, how to start an online business and how to become a freelancer and make a full-time income.
“I’m passionate about helping others find ways to make money online and in their business,” said Francis, who grew up poor and had to overcome many setbacks before starting a telemarketing business in 2017, which now has more than 300 five-star reviews.
To learn more of Francis’ tips on how moms can make money online and to subscribe to her weekly newsletter, visit https://virtualbossmindset.com/work-from-home-jobs-for-stay-at-home-moms/. Visitors can also sign up for her consulting services.
Francis can be followed on all social networks at @virtualbossmindset.